Perhaps you’re living paycheck to paycheck.
Bank accounts? Depleted.
Stress level? Through the roof.
I’ve talked with many families going through difficult times – unbelievable hardships that sap their energy and wallets. Occasionally I’m asked if I think they should tithe when their budget is upside down. The short answer is yes, but hang in there and allow me to explain why.
Tithing in the Bible
You might be wondering what tithing is in the first place. A tithe is 10% of your earnings. Here are just a few verses on giving and tithing:
Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine. – Proverbs 3:9-10 NIV
“Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me. “But you ask, ‘How are we robbing you?’ “In tithes and offerings. You are under a curse—your whole nation—because you are robbing me. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” – Malachi 3:8-10 NIV
There are many more verses regarding tithing, but let’s get back to our question at hand . . . should you really tithe during hardships?
Tithing and You
Some claim that they don’t have anything to give God. But you see, if that’s true, God isn’t commanding you to give anyway. Do the math: 10% of $0 is $0. God won’t ask you for something you don’t have or will never get.
Granted, for those with some income but barely enough to pay essential bills, 10% feels daunting. But I wonder . . . how many of those people actually budget? How many of those people eat out too much? How many of those people aren’t shopping around, seeking the best deals? And if I give them the benefit of the doubt that they really can’t squeeze 10% out of their earnings, there’s still one more thing to keep in mind . . . .
God has a Plan
God is incomprehensibly smarter than us.
All of our logical justifications must seem like foolishness to God.
If I ask my children to do something, I expect them to do it – regardless of their thoughts and feelings. I’m sure God has the same expectations for his children.
God has a plan. He knows the end game. He understands us and our situations far better than we ever will. Knowing that should help us trust God.
Giving Changes Us
Jesus said “it is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35 NIV) Interesting, isn’t it then, that sometimes we’re so scared to give when it’s more blessed to give than to receive?
I think this says something about our hearts. When we’re holding onto stuff – money or otherwise – when we know we should give it up, it hurts us spiritually. When we give, however, we break free from those chains of selfishness and are free to be content.
God Will Provide When We Give
Tithing is about trusting God, and we’re to do it with a willing, joyful heart!
Have faith that God will provide for you when you give. Your motive shouldn’t be to give to get, but rather just to give.
When we give, we’re sure to get more back. But we need to give without a grudging heart. Notice that if we give, then we’ll receive:
Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to. – Deuteronomy 15:10 NIV
So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. – Matthew 6:31-33 NIV
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. – Luke 6:38 NIV
It’s also important to note that our giving to the needy should be done in secret:
But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. – Matthew 6:3-4 NIV
Final Thoughts
Sometimes the math is scary – especially when you’re going through a financial hardship. But the Lord calls us to have faith.
The beauty about 10% is that the amount you give adjusts with your income. But as Christians, we want to give more than that when we’re able. That’s why you should follow the Three Phases of Giving. During the Foundation Phase of the Three Phases of Wealth, give 10% to your church. As you advance through the Three Phases of Wealth, you’ll advance through the Three Phases of Giving. This approach helps you determine how much you should be giving beyond your tithe.
You should tithe during hardships. The Lord will pull you through. And when he blesses you, you’ll be able to give back even more.
Are you trusting the Lord with your tithe? Leave a comment and tell us how you’ve been blessed by doing so.
Great reminder for us all to trust God in ALL circumstances!
At first I wasn’t tithing, then it seems like I was going backwards instead of forward, God chastise me to show me He is my only source and He alone should be Honor. I realize that wealth is in our obedience, not sacrafices. God wants us to give out of our proverty, because sacrificial giving comes from a heart of obedient. God said stop trying to figure out how I’m going to pay my bills, put Him first and He will provide everything we need and want. The promise He made to us in Malachi He will fulfill just wait on His timing because He will see us through these hard times. Thank you God. Cynthia Arthur. PS for we walk by faith and not by sight.
I have given tieth for well over 42 but have nothing to show for it, iam a poor man living in a mobile home. ok
I know how you feel. I have now decided to pray out Malachi 3 v 10 to 11 and Deutronomy 28 asking God to perform the blessings of the tithe for me. Join me on the journey. He promises in Isaiah 55 v 10-11 that He watches for His word to perform it. Lets remind Him what He promised concerning the tithe and ask Him to do it for us. And as we do that let us be busy making every effort to achieve our goals i.e. apply for those jobs or start those businesses e.t.c so that God can have something to bless and multiply in our lives as He answers our prayers.
Abdon, like you, I have tithed most of my Christian life (40 years). I am disabled and have no income now. For the last 4 years, I took care of my elderly mom as much as I was able while we lived off of her Social Security otherwise she could have ended up in a nursing home and we have done ministry in those. They are a nightmare for many people.
We have never been “prosperous” however, I have seen the Lord bless our obedience in our tithing in other ways. 1) My mother lived out the rest of her life in her own home. She had a built in caregiver because of my disability. 2) We did not go homeless. 2) We never have lacked something to eat. 3) I have seen where people in my family tithed and later when the economy went bad or things like covid happen yet most all of the people in my family were still all employed even for jobs I thought would be considered “non-essential” the government allowed them to work. 4) Times when I needed something that was expensive all of a sudden it would go on a ridiculous sale. One thing normally cost 60-100 a box and we were going to run out of it and I said to the Lord, “Well…I guess I’m going to have to find something different to use from now on but I went online that night to look at it one more time and it was $19!!! I ordered just one box thinking it was a hoax and the next day decided to I ordered two more. The price that day was $21 a box. Still a bargain. After that it went back up to regular price and has never gone on sale again but I still have some of left from the last of those three boxes that we are working off of. 5) When I thought I was not eligible for the covid relief because I have not worked for 4 years so paid no income tax, I got something in the mail from a neighborhood organization (a neighborhood I am not in) and as I was going to throw it out, I turned it over and my eyes for some reason read to the bottom and it said how people who had not filed income taxes could get the covid relief by going to a special website the IRS had set up.
I could tell 3 other stories of God answering and providing in very unique, unexpected, could-not-be-a-coincident, ways just when I thought we would be financially sunk and have to do without. Tithing pays in many unseen, long term dividends.
The article is right. We were not always careful with our money and made bad decisions sometimes along the way and now it is harder because of those decisions. We are reaping what we sowed however, God is still good and faithful and forgiving. He took care of my Mom until the end of her life and I have to trust Him now that he will take care of me too.
My devotional today says, “Trust and thankfulness will get you through…Trust protects you from worrying and obsessing. Thankfulness keeps you from criticizing and complaining: those “sister sins” that so easily entangle you. (From Jesus Calling by Sarah Young).
He knows I need to work on both of these areas. The devotionals says, “It is a free will choice that we must make thousands of times daily.” (That is so true for me.)
When we complain, we are really complaining about His provisions. I think this grieves Him which makes me sad because I love Him so much.
That’s why His Word says we are to give thanks in everything. That scripture is for our benefit…not because God needs a pat on the back. Everything in His Word is for our benefit.
Bless you, Abdon and anyone else who reads this. Be blessed today in the Lord. We are all going through this time together even when we cannot be together. God is every present and He knows all that you are going through.
I,too, was confused about this tithe thing. How could our heavenly father ask us to give more than we have? It slowly came to me that no matter how small, He blesses us for what we are able to do. All of a sudden I felt self esteem and quiet pride in being able to able to do a very small thing but I realized that our God brought me a huge gift in return. It show me many times over that the thing that shines through is FAITH.God bless all and especially Uvalde Texas.
I ,too, was confused about this tithe thing. How could our heavenly father ask us to give more than we have? It slowly came to me that no matter how small, He blesses us for what we are able to do. All of a sudden I felt self esteem and quiet pride in being able to able to do a very small thing but I realized that our God brought me a huge gift in return. It show me many times over that the thing that shines through is FAITH .God bless all and especially Uvalde Texas.
I lost my job 4.5 yrs ago, have had 2 major surgeries and in between these two events, I’ve sent out well over 200 resumes; I’ve only had 2 interviews! We’re living on one income and we’re drowning in our bills. We’re behind in our mortgage payment. I haven’t been tithing consistently because in the natural we’re operating in the negative every pay period. We are in dire financial straits! 🙁 I’ve been a Follower of Jesus Christ all my life! He’s my Lord and Savior!!! But i guess my faith is not where it should be. I’m broken and stressed everyday. I go to bed with bills on my mind and wake up the same way. Praying God will give me the faith of a mustard seed to tithe on a regular basis.
Don’t allow condemnation to eat your lunch so to speak. People aren’t rightly dividing the Word of God and use it to wield condemnation and bring pressure to God’s people. Look at Malachi 3 in context. Look who the Lord is addressing. God is addressing “this whole nation” Is the Body of Christ, the Church, a Nation? If so where is it? I’d like to move there. No, this whole nation is the Nation of Israel. God is specifically addressing Israel not the Church. This passage is the Old Covenant. Under the New Covenant there is no command to tithe. Paul addresses free will offerings not specific percentages. He also said we are to give freely, not of necessity. If we are to tithe ten percent then that is necessary giving.
You really think God is in Heaven with arms folded in stern disapproval of you because you are financially struggling and can’t give some ministry or church ten percent of your funds? Give what you can even if its a few dollars. If a church isn’t money hungry and looking to get rich off the people then it won’t matter.
God gives us wisdom and grants us favor. Use those in your financial dealings. Don’t overextend yourself and ask God for help. Don’t allow those who are in reality merely selling something put you in fear or condemnation because you’re not funding their next boat or ski trip.
I will tithe because God is God in my life. No Compromise. Amen
Thanks for this truth.
Sorry to hear that you are going through this. Remember this is a fallen world and that’s why bad things occur. Second, what or who is the source of your blessing? You? Your money that you give? Or is it God alone? Is God our Father or is He the godfather? Is he some kind of tyrannical loan shark putting people who don’t pay their protection fee (tithe) through the ringer? Is He oppressing people with hardships until they pay Him? That is the image of God you seem to convey. Good news, Father God blesses you because He is good not because you are good. Tithing was a command for Israel not the Church. Give what you can no matter how small. Trust God to give you wisdom and don’t over extend yourself as best as possible. Be free from that condemning lie that you are letting God down and He is disappointed in you. Trust Him for favor, peace and wisdom to direct your financial affairs.
Thank you so much for this answer. I’m going to do better.
John, I love your input, your wisdom and your godfather references. My prayer echoes yours somewhat in that I hope that all who read this article and the responses following it will open their ears and eyes to the TRUTH behind this issue. I pray that the enemy’s stronghold and blindfolds will be destroyed as people who are caught up in the man made legalistic aspect of this money/tithe issue continue to find straightforward biblical facts and principles about this. I think wisdom needs to be sought. And discernment. Those are two important spiritual gifts anyone can ask for from God. Kind of makes me think of that serenity prayer…
Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for your responses. I found them insightful and helpful.
This truly gave me wisdom knowledge and understanding!!! God bless each and everyone of you!!
I hope and pray things are better for you and your family, Danielle.
Did things ever turn around for you?
Hi, John. I know you wrote this awhile ago and I hope your situation has improved. I don’t know what your church’s financial situation is, but I believe strongly that tithing is important largely because it is one of the primary ways God provides for His people. I will pray for your church to step in and care for you during this time. However, if they aren’t joyfully doing everything they can for you, I might consider joining a different church. Just my two cents. Prayers for you!!!
I’m stressed for you! Hard to read! Downsize… sell the house the mortgage will go away. Rent something small for a season. Let a car go… you will allow stress to kill you if you keep going like this…. get rid of the pets… put the kids is public school and have them ride the bus…. every decision might not look like the American dream but it can bring you freedom! The “things” are not important… you are
Amen to your response. I cosign on a car loan for my daughter in college, well the payments and insurance was more than her income, long story short car repo and the burden been lifted. I tell her stay within her budget, I cosign because she told me I didn’t had to help with payments lesson learn. Letting go was a blessing in disquised.
Keep your head up and hold on to your faith. Help is on the way. God will restore your life 100 folds. And His right there with you in your struggles. Joy is coming in ye morning.
Something I’m still learning today – when I pray and ask for something, I need to learn to LET GO. How can I expect God to work on my requests when I don’t fully let go of my problem, and one way of letting go is surrendering your WORRIES. Once you have prayed about it and believe God will see you right, you should feel a peace. Let go. You have handed it to God and he is working on it. Just keep thanking him in your mind.
Thank you.
This is so true! God bless
Amen, i just start to study about the giving while i have hard time to give more just limit giver. I see the phase of giving that i want to give more with my faith more. Sometime i was scare to lose some money without cheerful giver. Now i give up to hold on as selfish myself. More problem comes in my life. I see my best friend who lives hardship life now they have everything meet by God. I say wow. I start to believe that i put God first in my life. I am working in my budget now and giving more to God. I put my trust in him. In the Bible of Malachi says to test god to see he will prove to me that he will open in the heaven and my barn will be full. I believe that. I move forward not backward. I thank God for his loving me.
Black Jo
Thank you so much for taking the time to share! I am almost in tears. Now that I have decided to tithe, my daughter is in severe financial hardship. I didn’t know what to do. She needs at least 10% of my income to survive, yet I know that God wants me to trust Him by giving Him what is His. She is now working at a Lutheran school, part time. She’d fallen away from God for years. I kept telling her to trust. Then, by her own choice, got into a huge problem. Now. She and my GrandPrince need a place to live. For some reason, you spoke to me. I CAN do both. I just have to cut back. Trust. Thank you so much!
thanks a lot cynthya its a very helpful staff.blessings
Wow well said. Amen.
This is the most spiritual comprehensive small precise teaching on practical methods of simple giving that I’ve ever heard of even if you are renting a room and you have a occupation that pays you under minimum wage you can reach the top thank you so much Holy Spirit for guiding me through this website bless this individual immensely more than this is more than he can think of ask for May his heart ever be fulfilled with the power of giving to live and live to give thank you blessed father as a pastor and now Apostle my spirit is so renewed to be able to relieve the burden of giving to these Millennials God bless you and amen my email in case the Lord would want you to reach out Ministerk Apostle Karen Tucker Valley Stream New York 11580 soon to move to Arizona Phoenix
Thank You GOD for reminding me of just WHO IT IS that’s BLESSING ME!
Thank you Lord, for speaking to me!
I have been having some problems tithing some time’s I tithe some time’s I don’t I don’t want to be cured. Please pray that we’ll get it all together with God
You are NOT cursed if you give less than 10% Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the law and there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. I’m not saying not to do your best to tithe but don’t let the enemy put guilt and condemnation on you because you are a child of God and Jesus died for that once and for all!
I was asking god shall I cancel my tithe as I am struggling so much right now financially but after reading the verses on your web page I feel god saying he will honour my tithe so dont stop giving he is happy I asked him. I am weeping as I write this.Thankyou for your website. Brenda.
Hi Brenda, I read your post. I pray in the name of Jesus, that God sends an increase to your life. This is what I would say, get some scriptures that pertain to wealth and resources and meditate on those scriptures day and night and give them back to the Lord. He is your provider and he loves taking care of us. He said, beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. 3 John 1:2 – when our souls prosper, we prosper. God’s word is alive and active and it yields good friut. Love, your sister in the Lord, Patricia Thompson
GOD would’ve said yes… just give what you can afford to give.
The Bible Approves of this Reply
2 Corinthians 9:7 – YOU must each DECIDE IN YOUR HEART how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure (TITHE LIE). “For GOD loves a person who gives cheerfully.” NLT
I only earn $800/month on SSI
It took SS a whole year to decide if l was eligible
So now
I owe back Bill’s
If I tithes 10 %
There hardly will be Any money left
This IS the truth!!!
Good day, i got paid today and put my tithes aside first and paid a few things, however i am receiving some more money Saturday and Tithing Sunday. my question is I am short to pay some debt now with a deadline attached, am I able to use of my tithes and replace it before Sunday?
I just started to tithe today because I’ve been praying for my financial breakthrough and answer to financial breakthrough waz that i must start tithing and my financial problems will be solved and I believed that and i started today and I’m so so excited that i did it and i can’t even see a hole of where dat money came from. I’m so excited with what God has promised us when it comes to tithing.
Yes! I was unemployed for almost a year yet when I gave 10% of my stimulus, etc., God provided me with not only the right job in my profession, yet also a salary that was $12,000 more than the average for that particular position in that region. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Now the challenge is to keep the stewardship mentality instead of holding onto things…
This is a money scheme in the church people don’t have money in church.. How the hell pay tithe
Amen, so much enlightening?be blessed
Thank you for this article. I love to give my weekly tithe at my church here in VA. Even when I am going through a lot of financial difficulties, I am always excited to write a cheque every Sunday morning and drop it at the offerings basket. I have come to understand that it is not about me. It’s all about God, all about Jesus and the message at the cross. I have come to understand that when I give my tithe I help in outreach missions for the poor, the needy, and the unbelievers out there who must be reached by the church with enough finances. As an undocumundocumented immigrant from Kenya and with any barriers I am facing in getting reunited with my two children I can stand a mountain top and declare my God has indeed supplied all my needs. I am a blessed Christian and tithing is a must for us to trully benefit from God’s storehouse.
You need to apply for citizenship my friend. You are breaking the law of the land by coming to the country illegally. While you are being obedient to Malachi 3:10 you are being disobedient to Romans 13:1.
Maybe rather than lecturing and your brother and sister on citizenship, you should help them find away. They may be here under unknown circumstances. Remember the alien among you.
God tells us to obey the laws of the land.
Pull that big fat thorn out of your eye there buddy. Do you never drive one mile above the speed limit? Ever cross the street NOT at a crosswalk? This man is sharing his struggles with his commitment to tithe as a foreigner in our country and all you can do is comment on his residency status? Can you imagine Jesus replying to him like that? You’re like Martha, fussing away at pointless things and he’s like Mary, giving all he has as he can to sit at the foot of Christ while you (Martha) chastise him. This is the hypocracy that non-believers see and they turn away from this kind of judgment. Judgment that comes from one that is in no place to judge. Put down that stone, unless you are without sin.
Why are you breaking the law of the USA?
I tithe for over 7 yrs 10% sometimes more.
I started a food bank and made cupcakes to sell to buy and keep food in the bank. All the money went straight back into the food bank that fed many church familes for 3 yrs.
I gave to benevolence on a monthly basis.
And then we left the church, we no longer tithe with cash as we were just lucky to be able to buy food and pay our bills due to my husband loosing his job. This by the way this happened 3 yrs before we left the church.
He did get another job but at such a low rate of pay due to him being an on call for the state that we continued to struggle.
After being away from the church for 7 months we started to attend another church that taught line by line. It was a much better fit for us as there were people there that were our age.
I still didn’t tithe, but I gave to some church causes. I gave of our food, clothes, sometimes money.
But through all those yrs we don’t have a amazing story for you.
Nit until four days ago right after I had given a woman I had never met money to go on a mission. Mind you we shouldn’t have because it was money for our food for the next few weeks but I gave it to her as I heard the propping of God.
4 days later my husband was offered a fulltime 1.00 more per hr job. Lots more offered but don’t have time to list all.
I felt we were blessed because I followed God’s request to give this woman the money. She was very gratefull. I didn’t tithe it and so therefor I had great joy in my heart because it wasn’t expected ftom church.
God says give in the bibke but he doesn’t say give money.
God is so good. Tithe is a command for Israel not the Church. You gave freely and with love as motive. That’s Father God’s way.
You are correct, in the first of all of His ermons, (Sermon on the Mount), the Lord’s direction was “WHEN” you give, not how much. I gave tithes Faithfully, even for two years in Iraq when I was not at our local Church, I sent the funds home. I moved to the States and fell into financial hardship, I continued to tithe but the money did not come back so I used Credit Cards for almost a year to supplement, believing that the Lord would supply. The money NEVER came back, I am now over my head with Bills and there is NO end in sight. I still give, but CAN NOT Tithe as I am underwater on everything. How does God expect me to give that I do not have? I am so hurt, my Faith is almost gone, I trusted in the Word of God to return the funds (I NEVER gave to get), I always loved to support the Lord’s work, but now I am depleted, my faith is almost gone, and am in debt based SOLELY on giving to the Church. What do I do, I do not want to lose my soul over money.
Thank you for your comments. It is hard for me to think about how different times are now vs during Jesus time. When you think about how many more things in daily life just cost money. They didn’t have cable tv, gas to put in a car, insurance, cell phones or starbucks. While I do believe that tithing is a good practice, I also believe that Jesus loves the cheerful giver. Not out of just discipline but being cheerful as well. I believe giving is more of a heart thing and more for us than even for the kingdom as He already owns it all. I would kindly challenge the thought that the debt is “Solely” from giving to the church. While I do not know your finances, I have worked with hundreds of couples and it is amazing in looking at budgets just how many places our funds get divided. I would recommend sitting down with a financial planner and have them help you work through these financial challenging times. Regardless, I pray that your faith will be restored and strengthened. James 1:2-5, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
Great Reply
What I believe in is God will bless us because He is good and faithful…Jesus became poor for us to be rich….
And I think what’s important is one gives from the heart….
Oh William, you are not alone. I lost everything and had to go bankrupt because of hardships in life. I don’t have all the answers but I know God is with you always. Keep talking to him. Please don’t give up.
Thank you for that testimony
Great stuff. My husband and I started tithing when we had nothing. We just determined to do it. Every time we got something we gave 10% to our church. The miracles started happening. We would NEVER, NEVER, NEVER go back to our old way of putting $5 in the collection plate when we had it. God means what he says. Tithing is tangible evidence of his working in our lives. It has been a huge blessing to us and we love to tell people about it. Thanks for giving me this opportunity.
PS – last year we gave 30% of our income to charity. I’m telling you — we are sold. The blessings just keep pouring in.
That is good for you not everyone. Tithing is not commanded in the NT just giving what you can.
Exactly. My experience is people who say this usually label natural things like tax refunds or change back on a purchase or discounts you see storewide as this “miracle” blessing. Thus convincing themselves they are blessed because they give so they give more, and the fat cat preachers get even richer and keep upgrading their private jets….
I believe that. We must walk in faith and not shrink back. This pleases God and He blesses us and takes care of what we need in a great way.
Used to believe in tithing and have In fact given thousands to ministry
We are currently tithing our way to bankruptcy court….(13) that is…..
Done with it
Amen! Be done with man made tradition. Tithing is a command for the nation of Israel. Under Grace we give freely as the Spirit individually guides and directs us. There is no set amount. Giving as much as you describe only makes preachers rich and you poorer and more poorer.
When Jesus was teaching the New Testament had not been written. This means that to those he was talking to and teaching, they would have been under the Old Testament law which was tithing 10%. For Jesus to tell them to be generous, would have meant that they should be giving more than 10%. This is why in Truth In Financial Planning, we teach the Three Phases of Giving, which includes Tithing, Impact Giving and Legacy Giving. My hope is not for people to be so legalistic about giving. My hope is that people would give what is in the hearts but that they finances would be healthy enough that they could give well beyond 10% and be a blessing to countless others.
Amen, as a once gentile now child of Israel I joyfully tithe as an act in obedience (because we who are in Christ are graphed in – Romans 11).
My hope is that society would not be as it is today (placing extreme financial burden on younger people), while Christian older people look the other way. A huge burden has been put upon them in taxes to support illegals, elderly and corrupt politicians as has never been. The older generation voted themselves all kinds of $$$ (thru high taxing of other generations), and getting almost free healthcare, tax breaks, etc. So much is taken today (in several ways) – yet we live in a world with so much expense. I’m sorry you must have certain items if God had you born in today’s times. Cell phones, transportation, etc. are a NEED. What if we are (taxed/fee/healthcare expense) at 90% – then tithe, that would leave 0%.
You quote Mal 3:8-10. However, Mal 2:1 states, “And now, O priests, this command is for you.” Malachi is not speaking to Christians under grace. Rather he is addressing Israel and the priest.
Store house is also defined in Gen 55:56 and it is not a church. It is exactly what it says – a storehouse.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but tithing was only commanded under the Mosaic law, was only food (as noted in Mal), and does not apply to Christians. The only two mentions outside the law are Abram (tithed on the spoils of war and returned the other 90% to Sodom – Gen 14) and Jacob’s vow to tithe. Neither are mentioned as commands.
What I do see for Christians is GIVING as purposed in their hearts – not reluctantly or under compulsion (2Cor 9:7). There is no specific percentage mentioned, but 2Cor 9:6 does state that we reap as we sow.
If I err, please show me using scripture in context.
In Revelation 1:5-6, we have the understanding that we are priests, so tithing is meant for us to fulfil
v.5 and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him who loves us and has released us from our sins by His blood,
v.6 who has made us to be a kingdom, priests to His God and Father — to Him be the glory and power forever and ever! Amen
When Jesus was teaching the New Testament had not been written. This means that to those he was talking to and teaching, they would have been under the Old Testament law which was tithing 10%. For Jesus to tell them to be generous, would have meant that they should be giving more than 10%. This is why in Truth In Financial Planning, we teach the Three Phases of Giving, which includes Tithing, Impact Giving and Legacy Giving. My hope is not for people to be so legalistic about giving. My hope is that people would give what is in the hearts but that they finances would be healthy enough that they could give well beyond 10% and be a blessing to countless others.
I have faithfully tithed for 40 years even when I sold my house. I am retired and live on social security. I support a orphan, give monthly to Jews for Jesus, to a missionary in the Philippines and to a kids camp. We have building programs at church and I am giving $40.00 more monthly. I was just healed from stage 4 cancer! Praise God! But I am short every month. I have a big house pmt. And need teeth and s window replacement and work on my car. Do not have the finances for any of it! I teach 2 Bible studies. Spend at least 1 hour every day in His work! Love the Lord! Very careful to tithe ! Why am I in such a bind financially?
Beverly because you live in a fallen world. And the give and God will financially bless you is a man made idea promoted by those merely selling something. Some are “selling” their teaching, their church, their ministry etc.
The standard of the New Covenant is give freely. Father God doesn’t demand what you don’t have. Use wisdom and take care of your self. Don’t be misled.
All of this is so confusing.
There is no one that has ever given me an answer. I listen to different pastors preach, read scriptures- I still do not know. The only thing that I would say is pray; listen for God to answer you.
God is the word and the word is God, when you seek any answer, refer to your bible. Tithing means 10% or tenth, yes God doesn’t expect to give what you don’t have! anything you earn or gain the first 10th is meant to go back to God even if its 1 dollar! it doesn’t matter how much you pray or fast or tithe, if you give to God with this mindset, you will never be blessed no wonder you are in debt! and you dont speak against another man of God, love thy neighbor as yourself. educate not persecute! Reading some of these comments, makes me want to hide my screen in shame, no wonder people don’t want to be born again! whatever you think,speak or do, ask yourself would Jesus think,say or do that? God is love, start being ruled by love.
I am taught that you give till it hurts and even if there is nothing you trust God, you need to put him first because you rob him from the salary that he provided, that job can be taken away in the blink of an eye and its very dangerous to play with what is rightfully God’s! you have lost the fear of God that’s why you can speak like this, MY GOD, forgive them and have mercy on them and grace to have a new mindset in Jesus name Amen.
This is the best answer for me. I want the truth, not something that makes me “feel” like I’m going to be OK if I don’t tithe. You’re right. We are kings and priests and we are to tithe. I struggle with it as I am down to nothing each pay period. I am not in debt either.
Craig you are right because you use Scripture in context and rightly divide it. Revelation says we are kings and priests. If that’s so then we shouldn’t be giving tithes we should be receiving them, hello! The reality is we are a royal priesthood because we as Christians have the same access to our Father.
Tithing is a command to Israel, not the Church. Again people point to Abraham. Ok, if the standard to determine if an activity is still valid for the Church is that Abraham did same activity before the Mosaic Law, then circumcision and animal sacrifice is for us as well.
“legacy giving”? “Impact giving”? Um what passage directs this? People misuse the Word of God to promote whatever they’re selling. Their services, their website, their “ministry”. All God tells us is give with a generous heart moved by love. Doesn’t mean go without or go broke doing so.
We need to do things in spirit and in truth.. it is no longer I who liveth but Jesus Christ so lets let Jesus Christ do the work
Tithing is not commanded in the NT. We are commanded and encouraged to give but not tithe. If one cannot do it like myself because I am on SSD I don’t believe that I should worry about giving. I give what I can when I can. No guilt and condemnation.
Amen, God is good. Those promoting tithing and giving to get blessed or saying if you don’t give or tithe you’re cursed are merchants selling something. We live in a fallen world, so charlatans arise selling their brand of snake oil that’s “guaranteed” to make your life safer, so give to us…
Truth we live in a fallen world. We trust in God to lead us and guide us and grant us favor and wisdom, and He does this simply because He loves us and sent His Son to die for us. Not because we give him some monetary exchange
John, thank you for these teaching truly an eye opener as I have been struggling about tithes, I don’t have a job and I have been pressuring my husband who is the breadwinner to tithe always and I feel like I have enslaved him in the prison of tithing. And after tithing we are left borrowing left right and centre and am back on my knees everytime to pray for another opportunity and the cycle continues
I enjoyed your replies so much.
God bless Irene from Kenya
I started to tithe in April after two months i unexpectly got a $4400.00 check from the IRS. I am continuing to tithe and a week ago i unecpectky got a check from my escrow for almost $2500.00.
Won’t he do it!!!!!!!!!
I’m happy for ypu bit God won’t confer his blessing or sufficiency on me.I’ve given large amounts since November,well above the tithe,and prayed for God to bless my invesrments-one has actually GONE DOWN IN VALUE.
And this mornjng I had a text message from my bank saying there was less than £30 in my account.
I tithe and the consequence is I RUN OUT OF MONEY and God simply hasn’t worked In my circumstances.
So much for “give and it will be given unto you”.
I haven’t enough to meet my debts and bills,which means more credit card debt.Please explain where God’s abundance is in all this???
Hello Keith, I just saw your post… Father seems to show up when we need Him the most!!!!
You are blessed to have been able to give so generously in the first place. You are trusting Him to keep His word…just don’t give up….😖
Remember Peter walking on the water???…he did just fine as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus….it was when he started looking at the waves and the storm conditions that he started to sink….Jesus held out His hand and pulled Peter up….he didn’t lecture him on his ‘short attention span’😱
Love to hear an update….I’m at the end of my financial rope right now….but I’ve been here before and God’s never been late . I have, however, asked Him if He might consider acquiring a calendar or watch😇
I’d rather risk my last cent giving it to God than hanging onto it in fear and giving the enemy legal right to plunder what I do have!!!!
Blessing, Keith…
Amen, I rather risk my last cent giving it to God than hanging onto it in FEAR and giving the enemy Legal right to plunder what I do have.
Keith, must let go of man’s ideas and traditions. We live in a fallen World. Those who promise you’ll be rich or financially prosperous if you do this or that are merely merchants selling you something. Selling their church or book or ministry etc.
Does God supply? Yep, what does He supply? He can do anything He is God, He grants miracles sometimes and others He gives us wisdom and favor. Why? Because we threw money at a preacher? No, because He loves us and because we are His children.
Use wisdom in finances and try to work something out with creditors so you don’t have to go into more debt. Don’t fall for prosperity gospel scams.
Great testimony!!!!!
Cheryl those things occur for all people. You received a tax refund from the IRS because you overpaid, not because you gave ten percent to some church. You received money from escrow because that’s how that works, it works the same for Christian folk, Muslim folk, Buddhist folk, saved or unsaved, givers or non. People labeling natural occurrences in their life as blessings or miracles convinces them to give more away and when the actual supernatural they are told to expect doesn’t happen they see their folly and get either bitter or hurt. Give freely, not out of any obligation or commanded percentage that wasn’t even directed to Christians but Israel.
About 5 years ago I tithed. I had all I needed all the time. No matter how much money I spent I still had a sufficient amount to meet my needs. My health was great, never any car trouble and I was living happy and in peace. Then I stopped tithing for no reason other than greed, thinking I would have more for myself. I never have enough money to meet my needs now. I’m sickly, my car is a total loss because the motor went out. My mortgage payment went up, I accumulated more debt because of poor health and repairs to my house.
Guess what? I’m gonna begin tithing and gift giving again in spite of my financial condition. I’ve been reading my Bible and I’ve learned that the Israelites were disobedient and they paid the price. God loved them just as He loves us but we still MUST obey Him…
Amen. God is faithful…
You live in a fallen World. You’re experiencing that, it has nothing to do with your giving. If so Father God isn’t a father but in reality he is the godfather. Breaking your stuff until you pay your protection fee. Sorry, God is not like John Gotti or some other gangster.
God is good and He isn’t cursing you. Jesus became a curse for you. He isn’t cursing you
I have a problem with this article. I am currently going through a tithing situation with my sister. She tithes her 10% to her church…always. Her husband is in a nursing home, with Alzheimer’s, and she is not allowed to touch his SS check. She is living on $600 a month, and gives $60 of it to her church. The problem is that she can’t pay her bills. She will write a hot check to her church and then we end up giving her the money to pay a bill because she has no money. I don’t believe this is what God wants us to do. I know that the correct order of things is 1) God; 2) family; 3) church. She belongs to a church to dictates she tithe 10%. But the money that goes into the church is used to pay the rent and upkeep on the church. They are a poor church and are not able to help her when she has no money. She is tithing to her church and my church is helping her, in addition to my husband and I. I already tithe at my own church but feel like we are also tithing at her church. She is putting church second and self and family third. Her husband is taken care of but she is not taking care of herself. She has had to move out of her apartment because she can’t pay the rent and she is currently living with us. When we even suggest she shouldn’t be tithing 10%, she gets angry and defensive because her church tells her she needs to. One time when she overlooked giving her tithe, the minister’s wife called her to find out why. In my eyes, this is so wrong. Nobody in the church except the treasurer should even know if she tithes and how much. It is currently a very uncomfortable situation for all of us. I just bought a new car and have offered to give her my old one because she drives 550 miles a week to visit her husband nearly every day, in a car that is threatening to fall apart under her. Because she is angry at my suggesting she is tithing too much, she is now refusing the car. I’m sorry if you think it is wrong, but I am not happy about giving her money to help her when it is, essentially, going to her church. I have spoken to my pastor about it and even he says that if she is tithing then her church should be helping her out when she doesn’t have any money to pay bills.
I feel that she is tithing at the wrong church. She needs to move to another church because her church I feel is in it for the money. The bible states beware of false prophets. I believe if she starts to attend your church or somewhere more teaching about the word of God. Her tithe and offering will be fruitful. Just pray to God to touch her heart.
They are putting guilt on her, and yes her church should be helping her. Btw she doesn’t need to visit her husband every single day. She’s looking for these visits to fill her life. The pastor’s wife has no business knowing what she gives. Allow her to live at your house but that is it, no money.
Tithing is an Old Covenant law. Look at Malachi again. In the NKJV not niv we see God addressing “this whole nation”. What nation? Is the Body of Christ a nation? Is the “Church” a nation? If so can I move there?
Malachi is speaking to the nation of Israel. There is no curse for not giving. Paul spoke of free will offerings. He even stated we aren’t to give of necessity. A required 10% would be giving out of necessity. Read Acts 15. The Church addressed this issue already. We aren’t under any portion of the Mosaic Law. Tithing is of the Old Covenant. Some say Abraham tithed before the Law so that makes it for today. He did. One time. Only once. Guess what, we see circumcision and animal sacrifice before the Law. Are they for us today too?
It gets hard to give, especially when you feel like your back is up against the wall. In the words of King David, “I have never seen the righteous forsaken, or their children begging bread”. I am going to trust God, and press my way in faith.
I have been tithing all my life, until recently when I lost my job. This has affected my wife also, because her income can’t cover all the necessary things we need and this has caused her to skip tithing as well. Can someone please tell me what we need to skip paying in order to tithe. I believe in tithing. Do i have to downgrade our house and change school for my kids in order to spare some money to pay tithe?
Harambee, you don’t have to do anything but trust…just tithe and watch what God does…HE SAID IN HIS WORD THAT HE WILL OPEN UP THE WINDOW OF HEAVEN AND POUR YOU OUT A BLESSING YOU WON’T HAVE ANY ROOM FOR NO MORE..He said TRY Him…TRUST HIM
Apparently you didn’t see the part where he said “I’ve been tithing all my liife”…..
Jesus does say that you should give what is in your heart to give. Which also means, if its not in your heart, you shouldn’t give. People are right to say that tithing is not commanded in the New Testament however Jesus also taught people that were already living under the old testament, where a 10% tithe was normal, to be generous. Generosity in this case would mean more than 10%. I am sorry that you are going through these tough times with a job loss. Are you connected to a local church. These are the times that those around you should be helping lift you up. Our church does this on a regular basis where we are giving to our church family in need. In Mark 12, Jesus does talk about the Widow’s offering in that in her poverty she gave all. I pray that you can be surrounded by others that can help you through this tough situation.
I can’t help but feel we must be doing something wrong, My husband left his Job at sea two yrs ago to keep Sabbath day holy. We never needed to worry about money before that but we havent stopped struggling since. We faithfully pay tithe and offering but last week I didnt pay tithe for the first time in 2 years.
Now this aticle suggests that we have just taken on too much! Ok well what is it that we have taken on that is too much it Food, rent, fuel, schools fees, power, water or internet/telephone? Which of these do I sacrifice? do I put my child in one of the rotten drug filled public schools here in town? Do we eat less? Do we stop paying the ultilities? Do I stop buying the medicine my child needs to be well? We dont have a mortgage we dont have car loan we dont have a credit card nor any loans, we domt have any type of insurance as we cant afford it Nor do we have any actual debt, we own everything that we do have bar a single cell phone that cost $50 a month. The things we have are becoming less and less as we sell off anything we can to cover the cost of living. We dont go out for food or movies or anything type of entertainment we dont drink alcohol or smoke or anything like that. We have the best deal we can get on the ultilities and we have one of the most economical cars. So what have I taken on that is too much…
a child? I meal plan every week because I have to in order that we may eat 1 proper meal each day at dinner time. So why isnt God blessing us. Why arent we left with extra money at the end of every week?
Im sick of living this way struggling every week wondering where the money will come for this for braces for clothing fir dental work for anything and I am rapidly running out of belongings to sell.
Cara, stop following the Mosaic Law, a covenant not made with you. Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law. The Sabbath represents the rest we have in Jesus. We don’t honor a day, we honor Him. There is no more required day to observe. Tithing is also a Mosaic Law command. Let go of this performance bondage keeping you down. Find Grace, welcome to the New. God’s New Covenant means rest in His Finished Work. Give what you can, if you don’t have don’t give. God is a good Father not a harsh taskmaster.
Thank you for the below statement John. I truly believe I have been performance giving because I am simply drained now and very discouraged. constantly scaling living paycheck to paycheck. Mostly discouraged because I feel like I’m questioning God as to why am I not reaping and I have been giving faithfully for years and years. I cry because I want to get out cheerfully like I used to But I just don’t. My heart aches because giving should be an act of worship. All I can say as I’m in tears now is Father God You know.
John wrote:
Let go of this performance bondage keeping you down. Find Grace, welcome to the New. God’s New Covenant means rest in His Finished Work. Give what you can, if you don’t have don’t give. God is a good Father not a harsh taskmaster.
Typo corrections
Thank you for the below statement John. I truly believe I have been performance giving because I am simply drained now and very discouraged. constantly scraping living paycheck to paycheck. Mostly discouraged because I feel like I’m questioning God as to why am I not reaping and I have been giving faithfully for years and years. I cry because I want to give cheerfully like I used to But I just don’t even though I still give tithes and offering. My heart aches because giving should be an act of worship. All I can say as I’m in tears now is Father God You know. Help me please.
John wrote:
Let go of this performance bondage keeping you down. Find Grace, welcome to the New. God’s New Covenant means rest in His Finished Work. Give what you can, if you don’t have don’t give. God is a good Father not a harsh taskmaster.
Cara Lord knows I can relate to what you are saying and pray that a breakthrough comes for Both of us. This is an old article so I really hope that you have gotten your breakthrough by now.
I have paid tithes had nothing when I say nothing mean nothing don’t paid tithes still don’t have nothing struggling from check to check what else is new
Where is your faith?
Great article. I saw some comments about tithing solely being under OT law. Jesus mentions money more than anything else other than the kingdom. “For where your money is, there your heart will be also.” I don’t tithe because I have to, I tithe because I want to because of what Jesus did for me. My heart is with Him, so that’s where 10% of God’s money that He gives me to manage goes. I have never met anyone who said they tithed and went bankrupt and if they did, they weren’t really tithing and/or made a poor financial decision. If churches are demanding their people tithe, find a new church. Mike, great work! Keep furthering God’s kingdom in your business.
Matthew 6:19-21Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
19 Do not [a]gather and heap up and store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust and worm consume and destroy, and where thieves break through and steal.
20 But [b]gather and heap up and store for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust nor worm consume and destroy, and where thieves do not break through and steal;
21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Verse 21 has nothing to do with tithing.
You and I live in a fallen World. Don’t judge others when you have not walked a mile in their shoes. I know of many who suffered lack giving and tithing. I have also travelled the globe. I have seen poverty like many never encounter. Yet in some places they are happier there then we are in America. You may have a great job where you afford to give. You claim lack comes to those who don’t tithe or make poor choices. Ok, thought if you tithed you’re automatically blessed as some claim? So it is up to us to make wise choices? Hmmm so maybe you’re blessed because of a good job and wise financial planning?
Seems like you preach a prosperity gospel…
I feel so guilty I payed partial of my rent (dont have it all have to ask my mother in law help pay the balance) bought groceries for my family to eat now I’m broke and can’t tithe I can’t even put gas in my car. I pray to God for forgiveness for not putting him first. I feel so bad.
Lucille, Father God is for you not against you. God isn’t mad at you. That’s religious tradition condemning your mind.
In our nearly 18 years of marriage, we’ve been struggling financially (mostly due to debts and my husband not having a consistent income- many times I have been the sole income earner).
We are both born again and believe in tithing; however, we haven’t been consistent in this area. It’s really an area bother me and I want to tithe always no matter what. However, my husband doesn’t share this desire. He wants to tithe, but his thought is we’ll get back to tithing when our finances allow.
As his wife and covenant partner, I am continuing to pray about how to move forward. I want the Word to be true in every area of my life including finances.
Is this really wise advise? To tell someone who is in a financial crisis to keep giving away money? People who lost their jobs in time of recession. Should they not eat? Not feed their kids? Not buy diapers?
What kind of witness is it to see Christians who should walk in integrity, and represent honesty, be late on rent or mortgage payments? Should they not pay the light bill?
Wonder if this guy would tell someone not to take their medicine and just have faith when the symptoms arise? Well, they didn’t take care of their body, they shouldn’t allow symptoms to move them. Just have faith. Trust God.
God is our healer and our provider. But tithing isn’t a command and we should follow Paul’s words.
he said to lay aside weekly to the church as the Lord prospers each individual.
Also, want to know what about the multiplied thousands of believers who have given and given and given and given and never saw “increase”? Never saw God “bless” their business?
Knock the prosperity gospel crowd but go visit with some of them who are sincere Christians. Most are, they just believe in seed faith giving.
All of them Tithe and give way above ten percent. How many here have given cars away or houses? I know personally many Christians who gave entire paychecks away. Dismiss them all you want and say oh they weren’t planting in good ground. Many of them gave to internationally known relief organizations and gave much to support missionaries overseas.
Now why did they have nothing? They gave some 20% or more away? Where is the windows of heaven open? I am not talking about just trying this out. I am talking about people who lived this way for over 20 years! They didn’t try tithing they made it their lifestyle.
Yet, they weren’t financially blessed to the overflow.
What about Christians in Africa or India or other nations? Why are they in lack? They give readily to others what they can.
I challenge the author to Biblically respond with ONLY New Covenant Scripture. The Old has been made obsolete by the Finished Work. From Acts to Revelation show me a answer. The Gospels aren’t New Covenant because Jesus hadn’t died and rose again and ascended to the Father and sent the Blessed Holy Spirit. So can you answer from the Epistles?
John- thank you for you comments. I can tell you that I have been blessed an so many ways and it is not all financially. Health, a home, kids a loving wife, good business. If someone is giving or tithing just to get something in return, I believe their motivation is wrong. As mentioned in some of the other comments, Jesus did speak on being generous and this to people that were already commanded to give. If they were commanded to give by the OT, are you saying that by being generous, Jesus meant less than 10%? I believe that people should be plugged into a good local church. If they are going through a hard time, the church should also be there to help them out. If there chruch is not there to do this, they might want to consider a new church. Jesus did not want us to do life alone and everyone should get plugged into a church or a small group where they can help each other during trying times.
You still not answering his comments about why the others that have tithes for so many years are broke….and not with rooms containing all the blessings? Am a tithes….dont take me wrong…
Michael, you may not realize it but you’re peddling prosperity gospel snake oil. I asked you to provide Scripture from the New and you haven’t. You also are guilty of the same tactics the guys asking for planes use. You promote tithing, with the added “bonus” if you tithe and be generous God will bless you. If the motive for giving isn’t to receive anything, then why use that as part of the tithing spiel? Most all those who promote tithing say that people will be blessed abundantly when they give. So they give and give and when they are not in abundance, people like you and others are quick to rebut “hey you gave with wrong motive”. No, they responded to the pitch you presented.
As for generous you’re off because you legalistically approaching it all. God’s about the heart and you’re looking at an amount. Is generous below 10%? Yes, for some people. Father sees a heart and not an amount.
Using Scripture that was directed to Israel and not the Church, is poor exegesis. Under the New Covenant, Paul mentions free will giving. Again, a heart issue not an amount issue. Here is the truth,
there exist no curse for not giving. There is no required amount to give. God blesses us because He is good not because we are good and not because we paid our protection money. Study the New Covenant apart from Law and Grace mixture and a merging of the Old Covenant into the New. Get to know Jesus and His extravagant love for His Church. It will set you free
I began tithing and giving offerings 17 years ago and never stopped. I have gone through financial challenges while tithing. I once went 3 months without a paycheck and we lived on my wife’s part time income and we still tithed on that. I now have over $1 million in assets and my income is in the top 3 percent. It takes trusting the Lord and perseverance. And for those who say that it does not apply to New Testament Believers, Jesus said to give to Ceaser what is his and to God what is His. Tithing and giving offerings is all about trusting God for our provision!
Amen Tim. God is amazing and can bless us beyond our understanding if we stay faithful. We have to be reminded though that our blessings come in many forms and not always financially. Thanks for sharing.
Hi,i am wandering why i cant pay tithes this hubby jobless for7 months and he is very down.right now with our 5kids i earn my income from small home tuition around RM 1300 /month.i pay our house rental and utilized bill with our food for month.i not even have any single cent to keep for emergency.i still challange my self to keep tithing as my heart says this is God request and also from my hearth to thank Him for His mercy and compassion uppn my famili.but my deep consent why soo hard this month till l not able to pay tithes.
I am sorry that you are going through such a hard time. Are you connected to a local church family? Are they familiar with your struggles?
The bible tells us to first take care of our household, so to say someone should still tithe when it comes to a choice between tithing or paying the mortgage/paying utilities/buying groceries/keeping kids clothed is…well ridiculous. If you the place to lay your head are you gonna be able to live in the church your helping to pay the mortgage, light bill, etc, etc. We should strive to the, but if tithing means losing your home and living under a bridge in order to do so….well I just don’t think that is what is required. You should tithe on your “increase” and if you have no incresse God will understand if you just offer what you can, when you can.
I’m actually considering changing churches because I’m disabled and awaiting (for 2 years so far) a court hearing for disabiltiy benefits. We’re in such dire financial straits now. We’re probably going to lose our home, and our church family knows this, yet hasn’t offered to lift a finger to help us….and I go to church business meeting, so I know how much money the church has on reserve.
I know someone who goes to a Word of Faith, Prosperity Church teaching them that they will all become Millionaires for over 20 yrs this person been giving Tithes over and beyond most times. Is in deep debt cannot pay his bills , dont have money buy food or gas for work but is under the stronghold that if he dont pay Tithes and honor God something will happen .Ignoring his debts because they Pastor preaches that your debts will be canceled .The Pastor testimony is he was a poor man and God made him a Millionaire .
They preach that if you have faith you’d be rich , have everything you need .Only their church have the right teaching ,if you leave their church God wouldnt bless you etc their is much discord and stress & pressure in the home and within his family.What do you say ? As you can imagine it’s much more than can be said.
This is a very sad situation and also shows that we need to guard our hearts from wrong teaching as well. This is not the teaching of bible. I would encourage them to be praying and reading their bible as they will see that what is being taught is not biblical.
I was going to church for 2 years without tithing due to being on a fixed income. I would however donate whatever I could to charities monthly. Til I changed churches, our new pastor expressed how important it was to pay tithes so I tried it even if it meant getting in more debt. He would also say God loves a cheerful giver. So, before I payed my tithes I asked God to forgive me for never paying tithes before that I will put my trust in him and if I can’t pay a certain bill, at least I payed my tithes and it wasn’t about me and the church or me and the pastor. It was for God. I gave my tithes cheerfully trusting in him. The following month I got a check for $500 from my father, after that I got $300 gift certificate to shop at my local grocery store from my sister who I hardly speak to. My electric bill got paid in cash by anonymous. I always thought paying tithes would set me further back but it didnt. It helped me and I owe it all to Gods helping hand.
I thank a God for this write up.I’ve been unfaithfull in my tithing and am asking God to forgive me for this I’ve done.thinks have been so tithe for me and family,I’ll turn a new leave about tithing hence forth I’ll not miss my tithing anymore.dear Lord pls forgfive me help me to trust in u and live in total obedience to ur word.Amen.
I started paying tithes last debt situation right now…but i saw gods mercy for those who believe in him..tithes about 50 dollars last month..received a commision about 300 dollars this month
So if you are tithing to the detriment of paying your debt that is okay?? When you make $75k a year yet you owe one parent 10k and another $4k and you have $100k In student loans that are in deferment you still think you should tithe first?? Just curious.
You should pay your bills. We are serving God our Father, not the godfather. He isn’t a harsh taskmaster. He isn’t oppressing you with hardships if you don’t give. Give from a heart of love and not to fulfill a commanded percentage that was directed at Israel not the Church. It is best that you pay your debts and avoid hard times. Give freely as the Lord directs, not as man and tradition dictate.
I am on disability, but this month i paid my bills and bought food & gas for my car. I have barely any money left. Are we supposed to give the leftover? Should I go in debt just to tithe? Last month I was able to give 10% but this month my bills are higher. Any suggestions?
I needed this
I fell back on my rent numerous times. I am behind again for 7 thousand dollars. I have been tithing consistently. Can i trust God to make a way out of no way,
I believe in the bible and in tithing, but I didn’t ask to be disabled. I have eliminated and downgraded everything possible, still left with little to no money at the end of the month. Tithing will have me in the negative so what do I do?
God isn’t demanding you give ten percent. Man is demanding that. Be free in Christ and remember God is good and not a harsh taskmaster. He is your Father not the godfather. Give what you can not what you can’t. People who are demanding ten percent from you are peddling something, their website, their profession, or their ministry.
I was laid off in October and my wife and I decided we needed to take the leap and start tithing in faith. I was able to pick up some part time work and use savings to cover the bills, and we have faithfully tithed. We are out of savings and about to lose our house and cars.
Sad to hear. So sad that you followed the advice of these peddlers of performance and the Law minded demanding ten percent. I hate seeing how tradition and man made commands hurt people. Pray for peace and that God’s wisdom lead and guide you and pray for favor for a better job to come.
I am having problem understanding this. I come from a very poor country where I was able to experience as well as see poor people. Some days I didn’t have anything to eat and everyday it was an struggle for my family. Finally we moved to the US, I was able to study, built a career and currently working and trying to save for the future. I meet a Christian guy and I trutly thought he was the guy of my life until now. I am struggling with his finances. He has 300,000 in student loans and instead of paying this off he is giving 10% of the salary to the church. I trutly cannot understand why! I tried to get involved with his church, I tried to understand but I don’t think I ever will. Why? First of all I don’t think he is generous with the people around him. He forgot to give his mom a gift for her birthday, he doesn’t invite me to dinner or things like that, it always seems to be 1/2 and 1/2 and he earns double of what I earn. He is always talking about staying within a budget and now having the money. A few months ago he invited me to a trip and charged me $30 for the night (at the rent it was not an invitation) and the night before he invited everyone for drinks. I just don’t think he has his prioties stray. I can see a future with him but I don’t see a future with him financially. What’s going to happen tomorrow? When we have kids ? Who is going to pay for they college if he has debt and 10% instead of going to savings is going to church. If he was giving 1/3 of this money to a kid in a poor country this could be more beneficial and it would not affect our relationship as much. I just cannot understand why God needs 10% while you are not generous with the people that love you while they are generous with you… since I meet him I have been trying to help to reduce my savings so he doesn’t feel pressure to spend on everything ( even though sometimes I spend more than I should, just because I trutly care about him) but when I see that the institution is more important than me and that everyone around him I have a problem… I have been trying to read, understand this concept but I trutly can’t… I love him but I think in the long run the best idea is to breakup with him… or help me understand !
Dear sweet woman, break up with that man! You will never be able to change or “save” him from his ways. He is dragging you down. You don’t deserve that. Take it from someone who has “been there, done that!” Your response spells out Co-dependency. That man you say you love needs a good wake up call, and you are not responsible for the careless decisions he has made in his life. Nor are you responsible for his… what was it? His $300,000 school debt??? Do NOT marry him, because if you do and for whatever reason the marriage ends in divorce, his debt WILL become your debt and responsibility as well. Also, scroll through all of the responses that John writes about God being the Father and not the “godfather.” I know that some of you reading his responses are like, “what does he mean by that?” John is referencing a movie THE GODFATHER where it’s about old school gangsters and Marlon Brando is well known for his famous quote that he’ll “give you an offer you can’t refuse.” God isn’t like a gangster godfather that demands his people to tithe what they can’t or he’ll blow their brains out (a visual as described from The Godfather movies). God is a loving and understanding God and he knows ALL of our circumstances from start to finish. That’s his omniscience, and that is something we will never understand this side of heaven.
I am taking this tithing issue to my mega church and challenging them to practice what they preach. This tithing issue makes me so angry… the legalism behind it all. John is the only one IN YEARS that I have researched and asked about this because I have struggled so much with not tithing… John has made the most sense, and I have prayed that I would be provided an answer that wouldn’t be condemning nor confusing. Confusion/fear is from the enemy. The enemy wants us all to live in fear and to be confused, but God reminds us to FEAR NOT, be NOT afraid, I go before you always… come follow me and I will give you rest. Don’t live like a Pharisee or give or pray like a Pharisee. Come as you are, broken and beautiful. God loves you just as you are.
To conclude, I would like to encourage you, dear woman, to trust GOD as your man, as your husband and let HIM be THAT MAN who loves you UNCONDITIONALLY. I am a single struggling parent who is on government assistance and housing. I strongly believe that God has provided EVERYTHING, including the assistance, to provide for his girls (I have a beautiful daughter who is graduating from HS this year). My daughter’s birth father was deported and owes over $100,000 in child support. At first, in the early years, I struggled with bitterness but learned how to deeply forgive him and that forgiveness alone lifted such a huge burden off of me. I have worked very hard to provide for her. I lived and learned (and she witnessed) very difficult situations/lessons. One lesson I am teaching her is to NOT go into school debt like I have. She plans on joining the military and have that help pay for school. She and I are both taking a Financial Peace University class at my church and we are learning how to pay off debts using the debt snowball (where you pay off one debt then take the payment of that debt and add it to the payment of the next debt etc till debts are paid off). It’s helping us become wiser with our stewardship. My daughter “tithes” or gives $5 each time we attend church. She knows I can’t give, but I try to pay it forward and bless others when I can. Her best friend, who is a displaced 18 year old, whose dad is in jail and whose mom lost custody of her when she was a freshman in HS, is living with us for however long it takes for her to get her feet on the ground. I love this girl like she’s my own daughter. I’m in over my head financially with bills and now, recent unexpected emergency car repairs… and I have to keep telling myself out loud to quit worrying, because God is above all this and I know that he will provide. Now when I say that God will provide, that doesn’t mean that I sit back in my LazyBoy recliner chair and wait for miracles to happen. God gave me a brain, arm, legs, muscles, and a voice to do my part of the homework because I’m reminded again and again, “there ain’t to I in teamwork.” God is my husband, my good shepherd, my friend, my confidant, my savior. He has been a great help to me and to my daughter… and I know that he is that same loving God/Father/husband/friend to all who read this, no matter what circumstances you’re facing.
Thank you. I am facing a storm financially. But you have encouraged me to stay firm and strong in faith.
Hi. We used to always tithe at least 10%. but in the last year my husband hasn’t been making very much. We budget 3 months in advance and cancelled everything but the most needed expenses. With expenses we only have 40 left. How am I supposed to tithe 10% which would be 120 if I only have 40?
We have a predicament that I haven’t seen addressed anywhere. We tithe and have been doing so for years. About 3-4 years ago we decided to sacrificially increase the amount of our month tithe from 10% to just about 25%. Presently we find ourselves in a bind, with some bills going into arrears so have decided to decrease our giving from 25% down to the rock-bottom line of 10%. Trouble is, we are on a guilt trip now about this action and very unsure of the move. I can’t say whether this will be a “forever” move but it must be done or we will suffer the consequences. Any thoughts, anyone, about decreasing monthly giving down to the 10% level?
In all honesty is easy for somebody that’s already wealthy give 10% cuz they have it to give. A lot of people that have money to give don’t understand what it’s like to be broke.
New Testament law allows us freedom from man made guilt, feeling guilty of not doing, demonic plots, schemes, not being able to rest. Yet to me the NT allows us “free will” to give by faith without self condemnation and condemnation from man. God Word in the New Testament doesn’t promise us a perfect life at all, but he will see us through. We all will be blessed but we have to pay attention to the small things not always looking for $$$. Someone can pay for gas, buy you coffee, pay for a meal, offer you free service guess what that’s a financial blessing. It was very hard to unwrap my mind from church and ministries teaching on tithe. I read the comments, I can relate to them all, it’s just heartbreaking because our God is not caught up in our beliefs,mindset or we people we look up to regarding tithe. Your awesome leader/ teacher could be wrong or lack wisdom in teaching on tithe but have excellent at other teaching. We ourselves need to study God’s word for ourselves! We should read our bibles, meditate day and night, seek him, knock and the doors shall be open, pray without ceasing, not to be double minded or unstable individuals. I know that the Holy Spirit lives inside me, yes I do live in a fallen world, adversity seems to find me non stop I can honestly say that tithe is a must period just start with a %! The Holy Spirit gives us direction meaning the spirit that lies within your body right now. Prsybasking God for what to give, explain to God your situation. Sit still, be quite, go to God 1st, not seeking advise based on emotions of fear, ask God what to do and whatever the percentage or amount you get start there period! You will be able to have peace and rest. If it’s 1% give it, 2% , 3%, 4% (one day you will be at 30% whose knows) but start at a percentage PLEASE! Trust and have faith in your “free will” whatever the amount. Just start at 1% wherever you and God decide not a man or woman tells you. TRUST GOD giving freely, you may be at a percentage for a while or time but if it’s from the heart God will honor you. —One of many testimonials..I recall a particular time remember having nothing but my jewelry to give, my cheap earrings, sitting with hundreds giving still there was days I had nothing so I did not give yet I was sleeping in my car. Gas borrowed it to get to church but God saw my heart even when I had zero. I stayed faithful for years going through a Job like storm lost to an overflow. So remember God’s timing is not ours.
I learned from my Pastor though he preached Prosperity back then NOT TO GIVE if you did not HEAR from God – I never forgot that!
I needed some confirmation during this time. The Corona Virus has seriously affected everything, but I know God has a plan. He wasn’t surprised about this at all. He will get us all through it. Therefore I know that He’ll get me through this. It may not seem logical to the world for me to tithe in my circumstances, but God has overcome the world and I KNOW there are only blessings to come from doing what the Lord has commanded us to do. Yes, tithe in hardships! Full of joy and faith! I love you, Jesus!
I really appreciate reading this. I was struggling whether or not was I doing the right thing when it comes tithing to God during my hardships that I caused on my own and then want to rob God. Thank God I followed my heart and did what was right as I have done before and will continue. The word God speaks so heavenly to I will always remember..a right on time message for me!!! 🙏🏽
God gave up His one and only begotten son, He gave all He had.
There is a mystery hidden in giving. Giving is spiritual in nature though the activity can be seen physically. It therefore need to be spiritually discerned not logically discerned. Logic does not work with the things of God. See, He says when we give we receive, logically this is not true because when we give that is subtraction but in the spirit when you give you receive. It is true you can give your last meal and your last little oil according to the word of the Lord and have continued supply. This is on giving generally.
The idea of saying this is old testament and this is new testament could be misleading. All scripture is God breathed, they were recorded all by inspiration of the Holy spirit. And we must also note that it is not like God stopped speaking, He is still speaking today. Digressed a bit, anyways but let us note that the new testament that we talk about does not start at where Malachi ends, it actually starts after Christ died. The bible says there is no testament without the death of a testator…Hebrews 9:16-17; so the new testament starts after Christ’s death.
You are not under condemnation if you don’t tithe and you are not going to hell because you don’t give. Paul advises us to give generously meaning you can give even more than 10% or even less.Paul under the inspiration of the same spirit simply qualified what God said in Malachi but it does not mean he is disqualifying the principle of tithe, a thousand “NOs”. It does not mean that God lied in Malachi, it is not His nature to lie. It is actually unwise not to tithe but if you don’t tithe it does not mean God will be mad at you, a thousand “NOs”. This thing called tithing is spiritual too as it falls under the principle of giving. All the word of God in the bible is still valid if you do them with motivation of the spirit or if you have a revelation over that word.
It really touchs my heart. In our country the economics became so weak that there are even a lot of jobless situation. My normal income from my work is quiet sufficient for my need and tithe even in this covid time. But now after political problem started we just merely live with so little income. In this situation tithe means a lot for our day to day life. I used to have even a question, “why should we give tithe in this hard situation while God doesn’t need our money?” However I still believe and trust in God. Thanks for your writing!
Hi I started tithing again about 6 months ago. I wished I had never stopped. Like anyone I too go through ups and downs fears etc. I am not wealthy by any means…financially….but I think I am gaining wealth spiritually. When I am tithing it helps me stay in touch with God more and that is important because I have all sorts of problems that I think can only be fixed by him. When I get discouraged and fearful when its time to send in my tithe I sometimes will google about that to get inspiration and understanding. This article gave me that. Thank you. And I hope my little message might help someone else to either start or keep with it. God Bless!!
john dozier, your “little message” helped me just now. I am preparing to send my tithe and its sacrificial so i googled for inspiration and understanding, found this article, read it and few comments when I began to go back and forth in my mind again. I was inspired to scroll to the very last comment which was yours and … thank you! I will now happily send in my tithe. xo
what a bunch of snake oil. Pharisees.
I am from Papua New Guinea an Island in the Pacific.I am living a daily life of miracles.
I started tithing in 2016 from K87.00.Today in 2023 I am tithing K250.00 and will continue to increase. I am happy because GOD truly never fails.I write this with tears in my eyes!
Today my Eldest Sons 10 & 12 are tithing from their lunch money.My Husband is also tithing and fasting with me.True!GOD is not a man that he should lie.His promises are yes and Amen!
I have a lot of testimonies of the Goodness of GOD in my life.
I encourage everyone out there!Try and Test GOD he will surely turn up!
Thank you for all the Blessings Lord!